Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Five ways to establish a rapport with the new boss

Whether your equation with your old boss was great, or or not so good, it's always a challenge adjusting to a new boss. ET gives you some pointers on how to build a rapport.

Do your Due Diligence

Take time to learn all you can about your new boss. "Understanding what is important to the boss is a sure shot way to establish rapport," says Makarand Khatavkar, MD & HR head for Deutsche Bank Group in India.

Get Feedback

"Ask your new boss what you can do to produce better work and what you need to change. That way, your new boss knows you are willing to go the extra mile," says Gurdeep Walia, executive in a market research firm.

Make Yourself Useful

Figure out ways in which you can be relevant. "Identify the opportunities. For instance, if your boss needs extra help on an assignment and you pitch in, that will make a good impression," says Khatavkar.

Watch what you Say

Don't try to earn brownie points by badmouthing your old boss, and don't start discussing the new boss' shortcomings with co-workers.

Stay Within Limits

Be punctual, focused and deadlineoriented. Work hard and always give it your best shot. At the same time, don't promise more than you can deliver. Otherwise you risk damaging your reputation at work.


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